Our Brooklyn site is here to serve you.
Dynamite Youth Center
Address: 1830 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11230
Description: Day and Residential Program; Substance Use Treatment
Academic Track: High School Diploma, High School Equivalency Diploma
Ages: 15-23
Referral Contact: Marina Nakhla, Intake Director
Phone: 718-376-7923
Services: At Dynamite Youth Center (DYC), we work to help dependent adolescents and young adults create positive change in their lives through comprehensive counseling. Since 1970, we have specialized in drug-free counseling to rehabilitate drug dependent adolescents and young adults through education programs, advocacy, community services, and family involvement. An important element of our model is our educational program. DYC participants who do not have a high school diploma enroll in our on-site ReStart school program. We offer a full-time educational program in which students can pursue a high school or high school equivalency diploma. Our school program is staffed by a full-time ReStart teacher and a part-time guidance counselor and is supported by our DYC vocational counselor. Our educational program offers small classes and highly individualized instruction to help each student meet his/her diploma requirements.
Admission Process: DYC is a long-term program. All participants begin at our residential facility in upstate Fallsburg, New York. Upon successful completion, participants transfer to our facility in Brooklyn. Please call our intake director for information about admissions.