High School & High School Equivalency Programs

While students receive supportive services from other agencies, they are also enrolled in ReStart as full-time students in accordance with the rules and regulations of the New York City Public Schools.

ReStart Academy students may be enrolled in a high school or high school equivalency program based on a thorough evaluation of their school records and conversations with the students and families.

ReStart Academy students enrolled in our high school program earn credits that are included on their New York City Public Schools transcripts. Although we are not a diploma-granting school, we work with each student’s home or previous school to issue a diploma once they meet our requirements.

High School Diploma Requirements

The New York City Public Schools issues several types of high school diplomas and credentials, including the most common Regents Diploma and Advanced Regents diploma:

Regents Diploma

  • 44 credits
  • Score of 65 or above on five Regents exams
    • English Language Arts (ELA)
    • Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra II/Trig)
    • Science (Liv Env, Earth Science, Chemistry, or Physics)
    • Social Studies (US History or Global History)
    • +1 (any additional Regents exam)

Advanced Regents Diploma

  • 44 credits, including four additional credits in a second language (can have four fewer elective credits)
  • Score of 65 or above on nine Regents exams
    • English Language Arts (ELA)
    • 3 Math
    • 1 Social Studies
    • 2 Science (must include Liv Env)
    • 1 Language Other Than English (LOTE)
    • +1 (any additional Regents exam)

Complete details on New York City Public Schools graduation requirements can be found on their Graduation Requirements page.

High School Equivalency Requirements

Students may consider a High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma if they are between the ages of 18 and 21 and are not going to meet the graduation requirements for a high school diploma. Some 17-year-old students with special situations may also enroll in HSE; however, a 17-year-old student may not take the GED test until the end of the school year (after July 1) during which time she/he turns 17. Students under 18 must have parent/guardian permission to enroll in a ReStart HSE program. Please read more about the HSE diploma in our student handbook and find more information about the NYS GED testing guidelines on the NYSED website.

  • Reading for meaning
  • Identifying and creating arguments
  • Grammar and language
  • Basic math
  • Geometry
  • Basic algebra
  • Graphs and functions
  • Reading for meaning in social studies
  • Analyzing historical events and arguments in social studies
  • Using numbers and graphs in social studies
  • Reading for meaning in science
  • Designing and interpreting science experiments
  • Using numbers and graphics in science
  • 150 minutes (2 hr, 30 min)
  • Includes 3 min of instruction and final review
  • Includes 10 min break between parts 2 & 3
  • Includes 45 minutes for the written essay
  • 115 minutes (1 hr, 55 min)
  • Includes 2 min of instruction and final review
  • Includes 3 min break between parts to retrieve calculator
  • 70 minutes (1 hr, 10 min)
  • Includes 2 min of instruction and final review
  • No break
  • 90 minutes (1 hr, 30 min)
  • Includes 2 min of instruction and final review
  • No break
  • 3 sections
  • 1 written essay (extended response)
  • Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, and drop down)
  • 2 sections
  • Access to calculator reference sheet and math formula sheet
  • Access to onscreen calculator for part 2
  • Your own TI-30XS calculator permitted
  • Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, fill in the blank, and drop down)
  • 1 section
  • Access to on screen calculator
  • Your own TI-30XS calculator permitted
  • Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, fill in the blank, and drop down)
  • 1 section
  • Access to on screen calculator
  • Your own TI-30XS calculator permitted
  • Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, fill in the blank, and drop down)

Regents–High School Equivalency (HES) Exam Pathway

This pathway to an HSE diploma allows candidates to substitute passing scores (including COVID-19 waivers and approved Regents Appeals) on the Regents exams they took in high school for up to three of the four required corresponding GED subtests. Regents-HSE Exam Pathway applicants cannot earn an HSE diploma based solely on Regents exams; students must take and pass at least one GED subject test to earn an HSE Diploma.

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